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Alignment: 5 Keys to Success

Consider Aligning on 5 key points before getting down to executing your strategy. Alignment suggests that as leaders we have completed the painstaking process of developing strategy that makes sense for the market and our place in it. We may wish to be “first at...

Leadership Development: A Reading List

If you want to become a better leader, you need some powerful ideas to help on your journey. This list of twelve titles from eight trusted sources is a good start. Leaders are readers so, together with your coach or on your own, pick a book from the list and finish...

What Kind of Business are You Building?

My best motorcycle buddy is Tom Myers, a partner at the law firm Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, headquartered in Milwaukee. I met him more than 25 years ago. In my first meeting with Tom as his client, he asked me a crucial question: “John, what is your goal for the...

Survival Skills for Your Business

Another “must” on my list of business books is Verne Harnish’s Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It… and Why the Rest Don’t. After reading the intro, find the section that is most relevant to you right now. I don’t recommend the entire book all at once. For...

Effective Meetings Guidance

Effective Meetings Meetings are the medium through which managerial work is performed (decision making, knowledge sharing, training, motivation). This is a key to culture and results. We want to have the right number of meetings to get the desired outcomes, no more –...

Three Steps to Improve Your Business This Quarter

Do you ever feel stuck? You are running a great business, but not feeling like you are achieving the right goals. You are putting too much energy into methods that just aren’t yielding results. If you are spending more time treading water and less time moving forward,...

The Four Obsessions

On my short list of must-read books are a couple written by Patrick Lencioni. One of those, focused on the leadership qualities required to run a healthy organization, is The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. Why is this book important? Because it...

Effective Meetings Guidance

Effective Meetings Meetings are the medium through which managerial work is performed (decision making, knowledge sharing, training, motivation). This is a key to culture and results. We want to have the right number of meetings to get the desired outcomes, no more –...

How to Master the Art of Delegation in 4 Steps

I’m too busy. I’ll do it myself. I love doing it… why hand off the task? My team is already swamped, why give them another job? As a leadership advisor, I’ve heard it all – from managers at Fortune 500 companies to energized entrepreneurs. What amazes me about most...