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Building a High Performing Workplace Culture

As we all plan for the new year, many leaders are aware of the added challenges that come with the pandemic and its impacts over the last 18 months. Perhaps more than ever, focusing on a high-performing culture will make the difference between the businesses that...

The Workforce of the Future: Are You Ready?

GUEST POST by Francy Lucido, CEO of  Michigan Staffing We all know that the world of work is shifting. The impact of the COVID pandemic has significantly precipitated change, but many other factors contribute to the changes that we are seeing as well. Automation,...

Are You a Corporate Athlete?

Ask Yourself: What Kind of Shape am I in? At first glance, the question may seem irrelevant to your success as a business owner or leader. After all, you do not have to be an olympian to run a business. Right? Well, maybe thinking like an athlete training for the next...

You CAN Have Great Meetings

Meetings are the medium through which managerial work is performed (decision making, knowledge sharing, training, motivation). This is a key to culture and results. We want to have the right number of meetings to get the desired outcomes, no more - no less. A crucial...

A Transformational Experience

In June 2022, EO North Asia held its first Regional Leadership Academy in Kyoto, Japan.One of the many event highlights was an early morning hike on Mount Hiei, Japan’s origin of Buddhism. Participants walked the same paths that running buddhas hike during their...

Mastering the Art of Delegation

I’m too busy. I’ll do it myself. I love doing it… why hand off the task? My team is already swamped, why give them another job? As a leadership advisor, I’ve heard it all – from managers at Fortune 500 companies to energized entrepreneurs. What amazes me about most...

Three Things Leaders Can Be Optimistic About In 2021

A recent article at argues for optimism. The following is an exceprt with a link to the full text: The case for optimism is strong. In the U.S., vaccinations are accelerating, unemployment is declining and schools are reopening. But separate from current...

Frustrated By Tedious And Unproductive Meetings?

Frustrated By Tedious And Unproductive Meetings?

GUEST POST by Katharina Naswall and Sanna Malinen from The Conversation Most workers will be familiar with this scene: a meeting that goes round and round on a topic – one that may not be important to the priorities of the company. People leave the meeting frustrated...