The Capricorn Leader working definition of leadership: Influencing others to take actions that produce positive results.

You may or may not agree, as there are unlimited definitions to choose from. For this article, let’s roll with it.

Independence is critically important to leaders. Think of this as self-leadership. Independent leaders know themselves well, both strengths and weaknesses. Not only are they aware of their emotions, but they can also regulate them effectively. They think for themselves and have a point of view. They have a clear sense of their values and priorities. A Capricorn Leader is independent and works to continuously improve their self-leadership.

However, independence alone is not enough. Leading others requires the ability to influence others. Leaders should not go it alone, and leading others starts with the team.

An aligned leadership team, full of independent thinkers with different backgrounds and expertise creates an exciting dynamic. While sometimes challenging and never as quick as the leader wants, the results are always better. Over time the team works through conflict and debate to arrive at alignment. This requires commitment to the organization.

The WE. The US. Not the I.

The team is the thing! An aligned team can influence the organization, which is filled with independent humans who are organized into teams. The Team of Teams or networked organization is the way forward.

It’s not top down or bottom up. Rather, every team is connected. Every team has autonomy and responsibility to the organization.

Maintaining healthy, connected teams of empowered individuals is only possible if you invest in relationships based on mutual positive strengths. Keeping up with those interpersonal demands takes effort. Here are some tips:

  • Build trust with others by empowering them
  • Remove fear from your relationships by modeling positive leadership
  • Rely on others – your vulnerability is not weakness, it is strength

High performing leadership requires independence and influence. Please don’t go it alone. The journey is more difficult, and the results are not sustainable, if even achievable in the first place.

Lead yourself, lead your team, lead your organization. All aspects of leadership require ongoing development. Never stop learning and growing.

Peace and progress

Contact Capricorn Leadership

As leaders, we are constantly challenged to grow. Make a difference in your life, the lives of your employees, and take your company to the next level. To find out more, contact Rom LaPointe.

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