by Rom LaPointe | Oct 18, 2024 | Coaching, Culture, Leadership, Team
TIME BOXING FOR BETTER TEAM MANAGEMENT For leaders of people, managing conversations, processes, and goals related to performance becomes more predictable, less random, more fact-based, less emotional, and easier to understand when talked about as time-bound...
by Dan Keelan | Aug 15, 2024 | Facilitation, Guest Post, Leadership
Once in a while, when I’m reading about leadership best practices, I notice the mention of tools that, at first, sound kind of mundane. For example, a leadership blogger might talk about agendas or scorecards or forms that track special projects, or a grid that gets...
by Rom LaPointe | Jun 15, 2024 | Coaching, Culture, Leadership, Talent, Team
How do you skill up your team? Why skill up your team? As the CEO Coach, you need to be very involved with the team, but you are not able to do all the heavy lifting. If you are not directly leading the marketing or the engineering efforts and have just enough...
by Rom LaPointe | May 15, 2024 | Coaching, Culture, Leadership, Talent, Team
WHY YOU NEED TO INVEST TIME INTO THE TEAM DYNAMIC Some of my clients are working to figure out the CEO role as their organization is changing. Many of these leaders find themselves challenged with stepping into a new role OR a familiar role in a rapidly changing...
by Guest | Mar 15, 2024 | Culture, Guest Post, Leadership, Talent
GUEST POST by Meena Andiappan, Madelynn Stackhouse, and Tunde Ogunfowora in The Conversation In today’s job market, where highly skilled workers are scarce and specialized skills are in high demand, employers are facing the challenge of filling job...
by Rom LaPointe | Nov 15, 2023 | Leadership
The Capricorn Leader working definition of leadership: Influencing others to take actions that produce positive results. You may or may not agree, as there are unlimited definitions to choose from. For this article, let’s roll with it. Independence is...